December 2017
- 31 Dec, 2017On our way home, we recently encountered an unusual - for mineral collectors - scenery: a snow-covered Saint Marie-aux-Mines! With these pictures Plinius Earth Treasures wishes all its e-rocks friends a Happy 2018 full of...
- 30 Dec, 2017Today 30 December is the last day of auctions for e-Rocks in 2017, and quite a year it has been both on and off "the pitch". The Piatek Minerals auction closing at 23:40 tonight will be the final and 1839th auction...
- 26 Dec, 2017Here we are with another auction close coming up for a specimen of liroconite. This specimen is a nice thumbnail with abundant blue crystals from German seller Karin’s Mineral Shop. Liroconite is a comparatively rare mineral...
- 26 Dec, 2017Jill Brunner's listing of anglesite with galena inclusion from Tsumeb has just chalked up item #630000, or 130,000 items added to the e-Rocks database since we renumbered the inventory in October 2015. Previously we reported...
- 22 Dec, 2017Last weekend was the last planned road trip for George and I for 2017. We were off to sunny Kent to pick up Norman Cogger's collection, and so there is it all packed and ready to come back. Remarkably we have found space to...
- 14 Dec, 2017This project is all about new finds which were confirmed by XRD and other methods. It will be updated from time to time. The download of the file for December 2017 is available here:
- 08 Dec, 2017Some years ago, around 2010 news started to trickle out about spectacular finds of collectable mineral specimens in Inner Mongolia. The first deposits brought back memories of Dal'negorsk as the geology and minerals like...
- 08 Dec, 2017Along with everything else that is going on we have been doing some background work on some phosphate minerals spurred on by a request by seller Modris Baum (LMB Minerals) and something he had discovered on a Brazilian...
- 06 Dec, 2017Life at TVM isn't all about swaning off to shows, buying minerals or photographing/describing things for our weekly lists. All this activity leads to one thing: an untidy stock room. Usually we can survive for a few months...
- 06 Dec, 2017We got our new xray diffractometer this week. It will come with a two dimensional detector which enables out of plane bragg peak measurement. This allows ultra fast measurements or extremely low concentrations of mineral...
- 05 Dec, 2017I was visiting an e-Rocks customer the other day, and was awestruck by his collection of radio-active artefacts. Many things have changed over the years as learning and science have made our lives safer, but looking back...
- 04 Dec, 2017As we announced a few weeks ago the Russell Society has been tendering for a purchaser for the Norman Cogger collection. The process has now been completed and we are pleased to announce that we, TVM are the successful...