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e-Rocks Service Changeover

Content image: e-Rocks Service Changeover

We now have new servers with much more processing, storage, security and up-to-date software.

As we said previously hopefully you will not notice anything different - a few page caches may need to rebuild etc.

Please let us know if you are seeing any problems - it really helps to fix if we know what you are seeing.

Moving forward with our modernised platform we can continue to introduce new features as promised.

Whilst we have your attention, we recommend you try out My List - we think an underused but handy feature for all you people looking for a mineral species/collect systematically.

It is a lot of fun (really!) and free to try out.


Submitted by Erwurs on
Ich habe eine Frage: Seit der Umstellung verlangt mein Handy eine App für e-rocks, die von Chrome verlangt wird. Wie kann ich dies beheben, da e-rocks ja über einen Link zu erreichen ist. Vielleicht haben Sie eine Lösung. Mit freundlichem Gruß, Benzinger.