- 23 Oct, 2018Today (23rd October) we notched up item #680000 into our specimen database, completing another 10,000 increment to the catalogue. The honoured rock is a specimen of Cleusonite from Fibbia, Ticino in Switzerland. The specimen...
- 03 Oct, 2018Sapphire - September's Birthstone Sapphire - Zazafotsy, Ihosy, Madagascar - 16mm, sold in September 2018 We have not written a "numbers" blog for nearly a year; we figure most people are here for the minerals but...
- 28 Sep, 2018For those who regularly use our Search feature to find minerals listed on e-Rocks, we have just launched a new feature to help get to the latest items. We have created a new filter in your relevant search results that will...
- 26 Aug, 2018Friday 24th August saw the addition of item #670000 to our listing database, marking another 10,000 specimens uploaded. This time the specimen was provided by TVM Auctions, a specimen of Strengite & Phosphosiderite from...
- 21 Jun, 2018It is time to announce the latest 10,000 minerals have been added to the e-Rocks database, this time it is an all American honour - or should I say honor? Michael Cline of Uravan Minerals (USA) brought up item 660000 earlier...
- 20 Jun, 2018Whilst doing some tidying on the website I came across the mineral postite recently listed. I needed to check out the composition the relation to other minerals. It was not long before I was looking into the range of...
- 08 Jun, 2018Hoganite Hoganite and paceite (along with calclacite) are currently the only known minerals containing the organic acetate ion (CH3CHO2)- Minerals Containing the Acetate (Ethanoate) Ion Calclacite Ca(CH3COO)Cl...
- 31 May, 2018As we push back on May and head into June a final quick blog with 2 bits of new information. Nollmotzite (Mg[U5+(U6+O2)2O4F3]·4H2O) A new mineral, IMA approved pending publication due. Nollmotzite is the first...
- 22 Feb, 2018Jill Brunner's listing in her current Kalahari Classics Auction for a calcite and pyrite specimen from NChwanning takes the mineral additions on e-Rocks to #640000, or 140,000 items added since in October 2015. Jill was the...
- 04 Jan, 2018As we head towards Twelfth Night and the final demise of Christmas trees worldwide, we have got back to work with quite a bump. Over the last few days we have been finalising a very large software release and plan to get...
- 01 Jan, 2018It is January 1st 2018 and welcome back to a new year of minerals and other things going on, on e-Rocks. I promised Carsten last week to make sure there was a "liroconite alert" in place for his auction closing tonight. A...
- 30 Dec, 2017Today 30 December is the last day of auctions for e-Rocks in 2017, and quite a year it has been both on and off "the pitch". The Piatek Minerals auction closing at 23:40 tonight will be the final and 1839th auction...