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New for the Autumn

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It is always interesting when a seller messages me because a mineral isn't listed on our main database.

Jason Boyd Smith, AKA Bucket of Holes made such a request for the mineral "Schmidite" yesterday.

Sure enough it was not listed with us, and further investigation warranted schmidite to be added as new mineral - approved, awaiting publication from the IMA.

The mineral itself is a hydrated phosphate mineral with zinc iron and manganese, similar to schoonerite and wilhelmgümbelite.

The discovery was made in material from Hagendorf South (Cornelia Mine) Germany, written up in June this year.

It is great to know that minerals are still being discovered/identified even from deposits that are so well researched.

Just for good measure we also have a nice specimen of wilhelmgümbelite coming up on e-Rocks!

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Photos: New for the Autumn