Wishing all our visitors, sellers and buyers a very Happy New Year and great things from 2017.
Thinking things over this morning I had a sobering thought; there are now 357 days left before Christmas 2017 and the next planned "dark day" with no auctions.
That it is a lot of days to fill with new minerals!
On the other hand one can only guess as to what interesting and unusual things will happen along this year - really what makes our little world such fun.
As we enter 2017 and e-Rocks 12th year we have quite an inventory already online, with many festive events still running and January and beyond already looking like the mineral world is in full motion.
As always do get in touch with us if you wish to discuss anything from joining the site, selling your collection, to how we can do things better, it is always good to hear from you!
We are looking forward to 2017 with much anticipation and as the popular expression says "bring it on".